Our mind is Illusory & daily advertisement plays games on us !

The famed TV personality Anthony Bourdain committing suicide in his hotel room was a sensational news. He was at work in France, doing another of his food shows. I have watched him on television, eating his way around the world and through many cultures. On television, his work seemed to be filled with fun and frolic. I liked his job and watched him often. Having achieved fame, he chose the path to end his life. It was a runaway mind killing a wonder-filled body. Ending the magnificence of life is too common among achievers. A famous fashion designer and brand leader, Kate Spade did the same weeks before Bourdain and the news was all over. I am sure investigators will dig up the causes. Yet, I believe nothing but their mind killed them. Mind does not register achievement and is never impressed by accolades. Somehow, the biochemistry of success seems not to last long in our body. It fades away as soon as the show ends. The mind goes back to looking for the next comparison an...