Social Media Addiction & Self Image

I spoke on this topic recently and excerpts from it are : Human seek addiction in a way to derive pleasure! Rock n roll, alcohol, hallucinogens, psychedelics, are some of the addictive means. Many of these are made out of bounds as social and culture wrongs. They may be called evils. Restrictions are placed and control are implemented making human seek something else. Social media is another way to continue the euphoric mood, derive pleasure and remained hooked. It is permitted, available to everyone and not policed. I often wonder: What would be the state of most of humanity without social media? It has triggered chatting, sharing, travel frenzy and countless copycat actions as pastime. The social media bustle has evolved as perhaps the greatest peacetime activity in recent times. It has surpassed meditation in the sincerity and intensity and drugs in its addictiveness. It seems to have helped calm the masses and keep them pre-occupied and content. A comp...