Dodging past a pandemic first hand !

I n Dec of 2019 I clearly remember to be busy charting my plan for the year to come. I was on a vacation in India and emails crisscrossed between me and my business contacts, affiliated organizations, work partners and friends. In fact, I had a more than a full year on hand, with trips and travels spread across the whole year. Little did I know then that the year will turn out to be just the opposite. Passing through Singapore In mid-January I left India and passed Singapore on my way to Philippines in the midst of a report of a SARS-CoV type outbreak in Wuhan China in some media. It was not yet a headline news as the information coming out was sketchy. In Singapore nothing looked out of place, as people crisscrossed with carefree exuberance. Frolicking backpackers mixed with intense looking businessmen mixed from all corners of the globe, as had happened always in this country. This was also the time for heightened tourism as holidays were being used to travel as much as possible....