Does Religion and Business Mix?
Living and working in Asia I have often encountered a unique culture of mixing business with religion. I have walked into offices where I see photo frames of God on a wall, or idols of God placed in offices, or an alter and sometime religious scriptures on photo frame. I have experienced offices where staffs took a break for prayers while on work. I have heard businessmen utter the name of God while discussing business. Some even take vouches in the name of God to conduct business. In one instance I even met up with a man who had made his patron God as the president of the company and he worked as the vice president. Does business and religion mix, I had asked myself? It makes sense to know this amalgamation more, because I have known people who were put-off by this very mixture and walked away to do business elsewhere. The reason was not with the particular culture, but simply a culture which make one feel uncomfortable dealing with. It works as a cultural turn-off. ...
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